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Metallic Particulate Filters: the Right Compromise Between Dust Reduction and Duration
Both Euro 5 and Euro 6 are equipped with anti particulate filters. But what’s the difference between ceramic and metallic FAPs?
Why Selective Catalytic Reduction Is Important to Protect the Environment
Brainkat produces high-performing ceramic and metallic substrates for Selective catalytic reduction (SCR), the most efficient system to reduce nitrogen dioxides from diesel emissions.
Why Does the Particulate Filter Get Clogged?
If a diesel car is mainly used on urban routes, there will be an excessive production of particulate, but very few occasions to burn it, as the gas will not reach high enough temperatures.
How the Particulate in a Diesel Engine Is Generated
We produce specific replacement antiparticulate filters for almost any car model. We can also replace the original cartridge with a similar one with the same performance.
How does a Particulate Filter Work?
FAP and DPF are exactly the same thing. The difference is the method they use to reduce the amount of necessary maintenance.